The Future of Pizza

PMQ Magazine interviewed leading pizza restaurant executives on future trends in the industry for their October 2020 issue.
“Mary Jane Riva, president and CEO of Oakhurst, California based Pizza Factory, said she’s “intrigued” by the ghost-kitchen concept. “Its a great way to complement an existing location by being able to expand your presence in the market with a much lower overhead, such as in an industrial type of location. This is on our radar, but we still tend to favor the takeout and delivery model in a neighborhood center and a strip mall”. Because, she continued, “People need interaction, and this will not go away – and thank goodness. What a world this would be without it!”
Pizza Factory Named to Franchise Business Review’s “50 Best Recession-Proof Businesses to Start in 2020”

From Franchise Business Review:
“Our 2020 list of the Top 50 Recession-Proof Franchises includes award-winning franchise companies from many different industry segments, as well as a wide range of investment levels – including a number of businesses you can start with an initial investment (cash required) under $25,000.
At its core, franchising is about “being in business for yourself but not by yourself.” The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted every business owner in some way. Over the past few months, the franchise community has pulled together during this crisis to support and help protect their franchise owners.
Independently-owned businesses don’t have this support and community behind them. That makes franchising uniquely positioned to survive, innovate, and recover much faster than other businesses.
We have surveyed thousands of franchise owners in our many years of research. From our perspective, franchisee satisfaction is one of the most important factors to consider before investing in any franchise opportunity. Not only [does Pizza Factory and] the following companies have outstanding satisfaction among their owners, but we feel they hold a strong advantage to out perform their competitors in the years ahead.”
Lincoln Elementary Unveils ‘Buddy Bench’ at Anti-Bullying Assembly

Students at Clovis Unified’s Lincoln Elementary are smiling a bit brighter and treating each other with more kindness as they take up the national Great Kindness Challenge, a positive and uplifting program that creates a culture of kindness in schools and communities.
The assembly concluded with the unveiling of a “Buddy Bench,” where children who want to make a new friend or who need a kind word can sit and others will come to help them out. The bench was made possible by community partner, Pizza Factory.
“The bench is designed to give kids a place to go when they feel lonely, sad or when they feel ignored and they need a friend. They can go sit down on this bench and the concept is somebody can see them on the bench and they can reach out to them and they would know that they need a friend,” said Uma Patel, co-owner of Fresno’s Pizza Factory.
PMQ 2019 Pizza Power Report

The 2018 Pizza Power Report: A State-of-the-Industry Analysis
To stay competitive in the pizza business in 2019, independents will have to meet customers’ growing demand for speed, customization, delivery and convenience.
Pizza Factory CEO Shares her Expertise on Franchise

Many franchise development executives and regional developers give preference to high population density areas when it comes to franchise expansion, according to Pizza Factory CEO Mary Jane Riva, who recently shared her expertise on why small markets can hold the key to success for large brands.
In her article for Global Franchise Magazine, Riva explained to readers that with nearly one out of every five Americans growing up within a rural community, smaller markets – bordering on 10,000 residents or less – are an underserved population that could be the perfect next step for a brand’s growth strategy.
Riva listed advantageous real estate as one of the reasons that large brands should think small, reminding readers that in many smaller markets, there may be opportunities for locations near schools and colleges that can open the door for a number of grassroots marketing opportunities, such as fundraising events for youth activities.
Not only do smaller markets provide better locations, but they also offer the opportunity for franchise partners to have more of an impact on the community. Each Pizza Factory franchisee plays an important role in his or her own neighborhood as a community leader. From sponsoring sports leagues and school nights to donating pizzas and fundraising events, Pizza Factory franchisees are truly awesome – donating a helping hand to those who need it.
Riva noted in her article more advantages of thinking small, and suggests that as you consider starting a franchise business, bear in mind that small towns often work as well as larger markets.